
Thunderbird harry potter
Thunderbird harry potter

thunderbird harry potter

That being said, you don't have to squint very hard to find clear parallels between the Ilvermorny Houses and the Hogwarts Houses, even based on the very little information on Ilvermony Sorting that we have.

thunderbird harry potter

Unlike the Hogwarts Houses, the Ilvermorny Houses do not have nearly as distinct divisions in terms of personality or skills in fact, many students in Ilvermorny are chosen for more than one House, and ultimately are tasked with making the decision themselves. It is through these adventures that Isolt forms the four Houses of Ilvermorny, which are each based off of an icon from Native American mythology. Throughout her journey she encounters many magical creatures, Muggles, and other witches and wizards, embarking on romance and adventure and fleeing the spite of her abusive, powerful aunt, a pureblood with elitist views. According to Rowling, Ilvermorny was established by Isolt Sayre, a young Irish girl and descendant of Slytherin who fled to America on the Mayflower. No doubt people are wondering as they take this quiz which Ilvermorny Houses match with Hogwarts Houses, but before we get into that, you should make sure you're up to speed with how Ilvermorny came to be in the first place. Rowling released all sorts of information on the North American Harry Potter-verse, including the story of the American Hogwarts, called Ilvermorny, and an Ilvermorny Sorting Quiz, which sorts people into brand new Houses.

Thunderbird harry potter