
Tomografia renal con contraste
Tomografia renal con contraste

tomografia renal con contraste

Objetivo: Desde la aparición de la litotricia extracorpórea por ondas de choque (LEOC), esta se ha convertido en el tratamiento de elección para los cálculos renales menores de 2 cm. There was not statistically significant relationship between size and treatment effectiveness.Ĭonclusions: The use of NCCT will allow predicting stone composition and fragility. We found a statistically significant relationship between uric acid and effectiveness (p=0.021). In the group of stones with less than 1000 HU (n=11) efficacy was 81.1%, whereas it was 43.75% in the others (p=0.0479). A statistically significant relationship was found between values which were lower than 500 HU and uric acid composition (p=0.0006), as well as values higher than 2000 HU and composition of dihydrated calcium acid (p=0.0244). Average stone HU, grouped by composition: cistine 1015 HU, Calcium monohydrate oxalate 1193 HU, uric acid 419 HU, dihydrate calcium oxalate 2122 HU, struvite 1543 HU and basic phosphate magnesium 1517 HU. Results: In vitro ESWL had a success rate of 59.26%. Results were statistically analyzed with Student Test, Chi2 Test and multivariate study. Composition of each fragment was studied with crystallographic study.


Three thousand pulses were applied with 17.2 Kv intensity using an electromagnetic generator (Lithostar) to all stones. To perform in vitro ESWL an experimental device was designed. All patients had been evaluated with NCCT. Methods: 27 stones of about 10 mm from patients who had undergone different endourological procedures were collected. Objectives: To evaluate the ability of non contrast computed tomography (NCCT) to predict stone composition and fragility for treatment with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Urology Service and Ultrasound Department. Patricio García Marchiñena, Nicolás Billordo Peres, Juan Liyo, Jorge Ocantos 1, Mariano González, Alberto Jurado and Francisco Daels. Tomografía computada como predictor de composición y fragilidad de la litiasis urinaria al tratamiento con litotricia extracorporea por ondas de choque in vitro CT scan as a predictor of composition and fragility of urinary lithiasis treated with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in vitro

Tomografia renal con contraste